Daniel Craig Bond Workout

Daniel Craig Bond Workout Secrets

Now that Daniel Craig has proven his acting skills in the latest James Bond 007 Movie -- Quantum of Solace it's interesting how many people are interested in the Daniel Craig Bond workout.

One of the principles used in the Daniel Craig workout is called Super Sets.

1. One of the secrets of super sets is that it allows you to really "blast the muscle" what I mean by that is that super setting allows you to really work your muscles in a way that increases the intensity like no other training principle. What you're about to do is to -- hit the heck out of a muscle in a rapidfire succession. With one exercise after another with very little rest in between.

The best way to use this principle in the Daniel Craig Bond workout is to first do a compound movement as your first exercise. For example you could start off with a flat bench press exercise for 8 to 12 repetitions and then grab a set of dumbbells and do a set of dumbbell flys for 8 to 10 repetitions.

In that now famous scene where Daniel Craig comes out of the water in Casino Royale you can see he has excellent upper chest muscle development. One of my favorites super sets is for the upper chest muscles. I love super setting incline dumbbell or barbell bench presses with incline dumbbell fly's. By the time you finish performing the fly's your chest will be on fire. For a switch and some extra isolation you might also want to try using the smith machine on an incline instead of the free weights.

The other training principle that Sam Waterson uses extensively in the Daniel Craig Bond workout is circuit training.

2. The advantages of circuit training is that it's an efficient way for developing strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination. These are all things a super spy like James Bond 007 absolutely needs in order perform his job. Make sure you use these two principles -- super sets and circuit training as part of your workout and conditioning program. They are the top two principles in the Daniel Craig Bond workout program.

To get a free download of the Daniel Craig James Bond workout then please visit the site:

Daniel Craig James Bond Workout

Frank Sherrill

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