The Brad Pitt Workout Used in Fight Club - Proven Secrets revealed

The Brad Pitt workout changed from the movie Fight Club to Troy.

In both movies Pitt was lean but in Troy he added another 15 pounds of muscle to his body.

In this article I will give you some detailed information on the two training and fitness programs.

In the movie Troy, Brad Pitt played the role of Achilles -- a mythical warrior from Greek history. Achilles according to Greek mythology was the handsomest of all the heroes assembled against Troy. According to the legend Achilles was supposed to be invulnerable, except for his heel.

Well perhaps legend is right Brad Pitt was the most handsome gentleman on the screen in the movie Troy. But perhaps his weakness is not in his heel but in other things. Certainly making money is not one of them... he was paid $17.5 million to be in this movie.

The Brad Pitt workout started 7 months before filming for the movie Troy began. Brett admitted to giving up cigarette smoking during this intensive training. According to his personal trainer, Brad Pitt used compound movements for the majority of his weight training program. He also did stretching and yoga to prevent any muscle injury.

The interesting thing about the Brad Pitt physique in both of his movies -- Fight Club and Troy -- is that his physique is not what some people would call... bodybuilder big.

Rather what he portrays on the screen is a muscular -- yet ripped to the bone Brad Pitt body. Judging the response by women in the audience, this is what they are most attracted to. So if you are trying to get Arnold Schwarzenegger big -- you probably won't score any points with the ladies.

The Brad Pitt workout for Fight Club was totally different than his workout for Troy. In Fight Club, Brad Pitt weighed between -- 152 to 155 pounds and his body fat levels were between five and 6%.

The Brad Pitt workout for Fight Club used the following repetition and set scheme.

* Three Sets of Each Exercise

* Rest for Only 60 Seconds in between Exercises

* Use Enough Weight or Resistance That Allows You to Perform 15 Repetitions

* Use Proper Form in All Movements

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What Is Isometric Exercises - Proven Strategies To Build A Powerful Body

What Is Isometric Exercises? That is the most popular question that I receive from both men and women.

Perhaps, this is because of the popularity of exercising at home and Isometrics has been increasing in the last few years.

Isometric muscle exercise is nothing new. If you have ever practiced yoga, Pilates, or any martial arts you have performed isometric exercises. It is one of the few scientifically validated training protocols.

In essence, it's a method of exercising that does not use a full range of motion. It uses a static contraction or hold to increase strength in both the muscles and the tendons.

What Is Isometric Exercise All About?

As the story goes, experiments were performed on two frogs and quite by accident, one of the frogs legs grew stronger even though it had been tied down.

You see the frog had been resisting against the bindings that held the leg to the table and as a result, the muscles on that leg began to grow. This is how isometrics was discovered.

Later on, two German doctors... Dr. Hettinger and Dr. Mueller conducted tests at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, looking to find scientific proof that isometrics really worked.

They began to apply these tests to humans and discovered that the group that trained with isometrics was able to increase its muscular strength by 5% per week.

These gains greatly exceeded those of the other group that was training with traditional bodybuilding methods. These results were later on reconfirmed by others in the exercise physiology field.

Isometrics In The NFL

In the 1960s, professional sports teams began incorporating isometrics into their strength and conditioning program for their players. One of the first of these teams was the Green Bay Packers.

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Isometric Training - Uncover the 2 Major Components Needed in Isometric Training

What is the purpose of isometric training and what are its advantages?

One of the major advantages of isometric training is that it can be accomplished in much less time than conventional workout routines,

Most exercises only take 7 to 10 seconds. Now, I know what you're saying to yourself... "How the heck can I get stronger and build my muscles by exercising for only 7 to 10 seconds?" The answer lies in two exercise protocols.

The 2 Major Components Are: Intensity and Progressive Resistance

What most people do not seem to understand (perhaps it's because they have been misled.) Is that it is not how long you exercise but rather how much "Intensity" or focus you put into the exercise itself.

The other missing component is that most people believe that bodyweight exercises are enough to really build muscular strength and size. I guess they never heard of the concept of "Progressive Resistance!"

Intensity Is about How Much Time the Muscle Is under Stress

One way to create stress is by performing repetition after repetition. Unfortunately, this can be rather time-consuming because it is not until the muscle is completely fatigued that you really get the ... "Muscle Building Effect."

It is in t that last repetition -- the one that you really struggle with -- that you are placing the maximum amount of stress on the muscle. This is sometimes referred to as "Max Duration under Stress." To increase the intensity the most effective tool is isometric training.

When you add the second component -- Progressive Resistance -- to your isometric exercise program ... this is when you will really see phenomenal results from your Isometric training.

The term progressive resistance is self-explanatory. However, just to make sure we're all on the same page... to me it means that each and every workout you attempt to use more resistance than in the previous workout or exercise. This is the biggest problems with free hand isometric training.

Bodyweight only -- in the long term is not enough to increase strength and muscle size!

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Isometric Exercise, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Charles Atlas

What do Isometric Exercise, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bodybuilding all have in common?

You may be surprised to learn that Isometrics has been used in bodybuilding workout routines since it was first discovered. Arnold Schwarzenegger was probably its biggest proponent.

If you have ever wondered how bodybuilders utilized isometric exercise as part of their bodybuilding routines then ... read this article and discover why every single bodybuilder uses isometrics in their workouts and in getting ready for a competition!

You would think that bodybuilders -- the guys that throw weights around as if they were plastic dolls would never use isometric exercise in their bodybuilding routines.

However, the exact opposite is true.

In this article, I will give you two examples of where bodybuilders use isometrics.

The first is in their posing routines. To get ready for a bodybuilding competition you must practice doing your posing routine.

Each time you do a double biceps pose, -- for example -- you are holding the pose for a few seconds at a maximum contraction. This is isometrics. One way to apply this and get phenomenal results is as follows:

Perform a set of barbell curls, then perform a double biceps pose for 30 seconds while the muscle is still pumped!

Your arms will be in severe pain but don't worry about this focus on the muscle contraction. Rest for about 30 seconds and then repeat again. (You do this in between each set of barbell curls.)

Although there is no "real" resistance the Isometric Contraction causes the muscle to become harder and more defined. This is nothing new, Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed that he would spend hours holding each pose in order to make the muscle harder and more defined.

Mr. Schwarzenegger's in his book "Arnold: the education of a bodybuilder" he revealed that to get his calves as defined, hard and cut as possible he would do a lot of "tensing" after each workout.

He referred to this method as "Super Isometrics." (You can find is on page 72 of that book)

Joe Weider who created most of the terms currently being used in the bodybuilding industry... referred to isometrics as... Iso-Tension. (It is one of the Weider principles for building a strong and powerful physique.)

Let's explore the second example of how isometric exercise is used in bodybuilding.

Again let us go back to... Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Arnold would perform an exercise called "bicep cheat curls." In this exercise he would use more weight or resistance than normal. The logic behind this is to force the muscles (typically a 90° angle) to develop strength in the maximal contraction.

Arthur Jones the creator of the Nautilus exercise equipment also indicated that the use of isometric exercise in bodybuilding was one of the best things that any bodybuilder could do.

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Alexander Zass -- Isometric Workouts

Alexander Zass, who was also known as the -- Amazing Samson -- is considered to be the father of modern-day isometric exercise.

It is claimed that he built his incredible physique while a prisoner of war. He was chained by his hands and legs, and the only exercise he could do was pulling against his chains. In essence, an isometric contraction.

After his escape from prison, he became a circus strongman and traveled all around Europe performing feats of strength.

Interestingly enough, Alexander Zass refused to do feats of strength that required lifting weights. In fact, most people of his day felt that he acquired his physique by using free weights. However, Alexander Zass would publicly deny that his strength was the result of weightlifting.

Weightlifters of that day were very upset with his statements.

You see they all believed that he had developed his physique and strength by lifting weights. And that accounted for his ability to perform strongman stunts such as -- bursting chains that were wrapped around his chest. Little did they know that he acquired the skill while a prisoner of war .

Here Are Some Additional Facts about This Old-Time Strongman

Zass, born in Poland but later on relocated to Russia. Was captured by the German army during World War I and imprisoned. Finally, he escaped prison and returned to Russia.

Not much is known about his childhood days. Except for the fact that he first became impressed with strength and strong men -- when the circus came into town. Watching the circus performers motivated young Zass to begin exercising.

At first, he would climb trees to gain strength in his upper body. Later on he created some barbells and dumbbells and began working out with them.

He was one of the first individuals that spoke about the concept of creating "Tendon Strength." In his book... "Samson Systems and Methods" he expounded on the idea that in order to be truly strong your tendons -- must be as strong or stronger than your muscles. That is what probably lead to his development of isometric exercise.

He concluded that in order to become strong you must develop your connective tissues -- the tendons -- before concentrating on strengthening the muscle fibers.

He reasoned that the best method to accomplish this was isometric exercise.

One of the interesting things that happened to him while in prison (because he escaped so often) is that they placed guards inside the cell with him. Unfortunately, for them it didn't work.

It is safe to assume that it is in prison where he learned how to break chains. Later on he developed an isometric workout that used a chain like device.

He even published a training program and instructional course that detailed his use of isometrics employing chains.

After the war, he visited London and performed his incredible feats of strength. The newspapers gave him the name -- Amazing Samson. He immediately became a superstar of his day.

As a result, he enjoyed a boom in the sale of his training courses and isometric exercise programs.

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Bruce Lee's Body Building Workout and Diet

Bruce Lee created a martial art called "Jeet Kune Do" or the "Way of the Intercepting Fist." However, as well know as he is in the martial arts... he is highly regarded for his physical abilities and ripped physique. The Bruce Lee body has become an icon for what an action star should look like today.

Let's face it, audiences are no longer willing to accept an actor who puts on a "Muscle Suit." From Brad Pitt to Will Smith -- it seems every A-list Hollywood actor has been emulating the muscular yet ripped Lee type of physique. What made him great was a combination of his workouts and his diet program.

The Bruce Lee Diet Plan

Lee always consumed a lot of Chinese food which are high in fiber.

Some foods that are high in fiber are:

* Fruits
* Vegetables,
* Breads,
* Beans
* Cereals

These foods are also high in antioxidants and will help cleanse your body.

Like many bodybuilders today, he usually ate 6 times per day. This kept his blood sugar level stable and his metabolism burning at a higher rate. He was also a big fan of keeping his body adequately hydrated -- by and large he drank 11 to 12 glasses of water per day.

In addition, from his bodybuilder friend... learned of the importance of maintaining a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. (Bruce Lee loved protein supplements and would routinely down 1 to 2 protein shakes per day.)

The key to gaining muscle -- besides working out... is in consuming enough protein. Protein makes up anywhere between 15 to 20% of our bodyweight. The bottom line is that protein is indispensable and it's the raw material that is needed to build muscle and other bodily tissues.

Of course, in his day one of the most popular protein supplements was casein. Today, we know that whey protein can keep us in a positive nitrogen balance state easier and quicker than using just casein protein.

The Bruce Lee Workout

His workouts were intense. Even Joe Weider... "The King of Bodybuilding" remarked that Bruce Lee's body was light years ahead of it's time. Bruce incorporated many different components into his workout program. Isometrics, free weights, yoga, and bodyweight exercises just to mention a few. Bruce Lee abandoned free weights really early on in his training. He felt that having big bodybuilder muscles was of no advantage to a martial artist. He focused more on what he referred to as "Functional Strength."

He realized very early on that isometric exercise was able to provide him with superior strength gains. He also used an "Isometric Power Rack" for a while in his training program. If anything defines Bruce Lee it's his ability to think outside the box. His mentality of... "use what works and discard what doesn't" -- has made him an innovator in many different fields.

For example, Bruce used every known isometric exercise device available in his training including a device that was then called the Tensolator. Using isometric exercise equipment was something that he made part of his training routine. And in fact, so have many mixed martial arts practitioners today!

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Abdominal Exercise Machines - 5 Proven Steps to Help You Choosing Abdominal Exercise Machine

Do you really need abdominal exercise machines to have six pack abs?

The answer is both yes and no. In a world obsessed with having six pack abs, even Hollywood celebrities have joined in.

It used to be that if you had acting talent that was enough. Today however, it seems -- that every Hollywood celebrity is ripped and lean in front of the camera.

Now a lot of people will tell you that they are just "genetically superior" to the rest of us mortals. Or, they will tell you that these people have nothing better to do than to live in the gym.

The reality is that you and I can have a flat, or even a ripped six pack abs stomachs. It just takes some common sense eating and the right abdominal exercise machines.

One of the best ways to have a flat and sculpted stomach is to use isometric exercise. The advantage of isometric exercises is that it strengthens the stomach muscles but does not increase their size.

Many individuals make the mistake of using resistance when doing stomach exercises. All this does is increase the actual stomach muscle. In other words, you have just increased the circumference of your waist.

The idea -- if you ask me -- is to have a slim, lean and small waist... does that make sense?

So at this point you may be asking yourself... "what are the best abdominal exercise machines ?"

To help you out I have put together 5 key tips and strategies to help you select the best abdominal exercise machines.

1. Flat Stomach Diet - no matter how much exercise you do you will never -- ever reduce the size of your stomach. If you don't cut back on the amount of carbohydrates and fats that you eat. Look, nobody ever said having a flat stomach was going to be easy.

But it doesn't have to be hard. Making the right food choices is so not so much about giving up your favorite foods -- as it is about knowing what foods to eat.

2. Choose a Good Ab Exerciser - when choosing your ab exercise machines, look for one that has a decent warranty. Some of the ab exercises on the market today are just complete pieces of junk. If you can, try to get an abdominal exerciser that has at least a one-year warranty

3. How to Get Maximum Results - familiarize yourself with isometric exercise. Using isometrics for your stomach exercises will quickly strengthen your stomach muscles and reduce belly fat.

4. Don't Be Overly Price Sensitive - when shopping for abdominal exercise machines look for quality over price. These are not very expensive exercisers, so get the best bang for your buck.

5. Variety Is the Spice of Life - choose an exercise device that can perform as many abdominal exercises as possible. Why you ask? The biggest problem -- besides time -- is that you'll get bored with the exercises.

The more variety or quantity of exercises that you can perform -- the greater the chance that you'll stick to your abdominal exercise program.

These 5 tips will help you in choosing the best abdominal exercise equipment. Just use your common sense and stick to your workouts.

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Isometric Exercise Equipment - Discover How to Get Ripped and 7 Seconds Using Isometric Exercise Equipment

Why are millions of Americans and for that matter — individuals worldwide using Isometric Exercise Equipment?

Perhaps it's because Isometrics has been rediscovered. In the fitness and exercise world , nothing is ever lost.

In fact, physical therapists, strength & conditioning coaches and power lifters have been using isometric training for years.

Bet that you didn't know that right? Well, read this article and find out the truth about isometric exercise equipment.

Here's the facts, the most effective way to increase your strength and muscle size is to use isometrics and an isometric exerciser.

There have been many old-time strongman that used isometrics as part of their workout program. The most famous is — Charles Atlas.

99 Pound Weaklings Apply Here

While the Charles Atlas "Dynamic Tension Course" is not a complete isometric workout it does include isometric exercises. Alexander Zass, an old-time strongman used isometrics while in prison. He was a prisoner of war during World War I and was kept chained in his cell.

The only way he could exercise was by pulling against his chains — little did he know that this was isometric exercise. Later on Zass created a muscle building course that used his own version of "chains" to perform isometric training.

The reason why many of these old-time strongman used isometric exercise equipment was because free hand isometrics is pretty much the same as doing push ups with your own bodyweight. After a while, your body becomes accustomed to the same resistance and you begin to plateau.

The Number One Principle In Strength Training Is…

Progressive resistance simply means that you continue to add weight or resistance to the exercise in order to put more stress on the muscle and force it to grow. That's how muscles work. Anyone that tells you otherwise, is playing you for a fool.

There many different types of isometric equipment on the market today. Here are two that you may be familiar with.
  • Dumbbells or Barbells with the aid of an "isometric power rack"
  • Exercise or Resistance Bands
  • Isometric Exerciser (they are very inexpensive.)

Isometric Exercisers have numerous advantages over free weights or resistance bands. The main thing is that with any exercise program you need to incorporate progressive resistance if you are ever going to build any significant strength or muscle size.

This is true whether you're a man or woman -- that is the truth!