Isometrics- The Scientifically Proven Muscle Building System Part-1

Frog Legs And Muscles

In the 1920’s scientist studying the effects of inactivity on the muscles discovered a startling revelation. In one experiment, using a frog, with its legs tightly bound together to prevent any movement and kept that way for a long time, scientist discovered that the frogs legs were significantly larger and more muscular than the control group of frogs who’s legs were not bound.

The scientist sought to figure out what had happened. The frogs that had their legs bound had strained against the bindings struggling to get free. This contracting and tensing against their bindings had resulted in this incredible muscular growth.

But, it wasn’t until two German physiologists, Hettinger and Muller in 1953, to apply this Isometric technique to healthy individuals and to scientifically measure the results thru the use of a dynamometer.


This research done at the Max Planck Institute in Germany was where Gert F Koelbel, got the idea of creating the Tensolator, later renamed the Bullworker. But, I’ll get back to that in a little bit.

Scientific Evidence

What was amazing about the Isometrics research is that Hettinger and Muller discovered that an “intense contraction” against a fixed object, increased the subject’s strength by as much as 5% per WEEK! Even thou the contraction was only held for 6 seconds and only once a day. Later on these results were substantiated by dozens of other researchers. One doctor reported strength gains of as much as 300%.

And so was born the Isometrics craze. Interestingly enough Isometrics is one of the few muscle building training systems that is backed with scientific proof. Yet so many “muscle heads” poo poo the undeniable scientific results.

Isometrics Today

Today Isometrics is still recognized as a viable training protocol to increase strength and build muscle mass quickly. In fact, Isometrics is still being used by physicians in the field of physical rehabilitation.

To read more about Isometric Training

Are You Fit Enough To Be A US Army Ranger? Find out how

As a former Army Ranger I know the benefits of weight training, but many gym rats look upon weight lifting as the “holy grail” of muscle building.The reality is that while weights can play an important part in your conditioning program it is not the end all be all.

So the question that pops in my mind is “how useful are your weight trained muscle?”

Let’s put them to the test…

Here's a taste of the physical requirements of becoming a U.S. Army Ranger.Try them out test yourself and see if you really are in shape. See if you’re fit enough to wear the beret.

Army Rangers-Lead The Way

Ever wanted to put on the Army Ranger Tab on your uniform? Here is what you have to do to become a Ranger. The training is broken up into three phases: Fort Benning Phase, Mountain Phase, and Florida Phase. The Benning Phase is executed in two parts and lasts for a total of 20 days.

As with most Special Operations units, the first phase is very physical.

You will be required to perform an Army Ranger PFT consisting of the following:

Push-ups - 49+
Sit-ups - 59+
Chin ups - 6+
2 mile run in running shoes in 15:12 minutes or less
Other physical requirements and tests:
Combat water survival test
5-mile runs
3-mile runs with an obstacle course
16-mile foot march
Night and day land navigation tests

The most important pre-training exercise to do prior to Ranger school is walking fast in your boots with 50 pounds of weight on your back.

You will do this everyday you are at Ranger School. Running at least 5 miles, 3-4 times a week and swimming in uniform 2-3 times a week is recommended as well.

Pack on a 5-10 pounds of body weight prior to going so you have a little to lose when you are consuming fewer calories a day.
Also known as “forced marches” or “humps”, these events are basically walking at a fast pace over rough terrain with a back pack at least 45 lbs in weight. When you take the ruck march test, you will also carry a weapon, wear boots, BDU (Battle Dress Uniform – “fatigues” pants/blouse), LBE (Load Bearing Equipment – shoulder harness with canteens with water), and a helmet.

If you break it down, you need to train the major muscle groups of the body – legs and back. Sure your upper body (shoulders and arms) come into play carrying the backpack and weapon, but you will get most of your exhaustion from the legs and lower back. S
o, training your legs in running, leg PT, and rucking will build stamina and endurance you need for any type of Army or land navigation training.

The Run and Leg PT Workout:
Repeat 4-5 times
Run 1 mile at your goal pace (6-8:00/mile) (no ruck sack)
Squats – 30
Lunges – 20 / leg
Calves (heel raises)- 30 per leg
The Non-impact version of Leg PT:
Bike and Leg PT:
Repeat 4-5 times
Bike 5:00 at increasing levels per minute on a Life Cycle type stationary bike
Squats – 30
Lunges – 20 / leg
Calves – 30 per leg

Long Distance Bike / Leg Workout:
Life Cycle Pyramid:
On a stationary bike with manual mode and levels of resistance:
Start at level 1 for 1 minute, increase resistance level by 1 level each minute until you can no longer pedal in between the 80-90 RPM zone. Typically, people will do this workout for 20-30 minutes depending on the bike they have. Some bike will max out at level 12 and some will go to at least 20 levels. Both are tough to get to the top of the pyramid levels. Once at the top, repeat all levels in reverse order and work yourself down the other side of the pyramid. Usually by the end of the pyramid, there is a puddle under you and your legs will be exhausted.

And, of course, there are long distance ruck marches for 10-20 miles with at least 45 lbs in a ruck sack you must train for prior to some of the advanced Army courses. The best way to train for these to move out with a ruck sack for 1-4 hours at a time combined with smart foot care

Interesting stuff huh? Try it see if you’re fit enough.

The Bullworker Bully XtremeHome Gym can help you pack on muscle like a Ranger. Get in shape now. Get a free report at

Success: A Worthy Destination By Earl Nightingale

The stories of people achieving unusual success despite all manner of handicaps never fail to capture our attention. They're inspirational to be sure.
But they're much more than that if we study them closely. The boy whose legs were terribly burned and who was told he'd be lucky to ever walk again becomes a champion track star. The woman blind and deaf from infancy becomes one of the most inspirational figures of the century.

To read more Success

The Goal-Getting Toolbox! 7 Power-Tools To Focus Your Mind and Ensure A Leaner, More Muscular Physique!

I firmly believe that at least 90% of my success is driven by a combination of mental and emotional factors. I have a fanatic passion about getting more muscular and staying lean. It is at the forefront of my mind every single second of every minute of each hour, every day.
For me, it has to be. In order to do this, I have collected various tools to keep a precision focus on my goals. I found that I had to do quite a bit of mental programming in order to be successful.

To read more Goal-setting

Review Of The Bullworker X5 Vs Bully Xtreme

So which is the better Bullworker type device,"Bully Xtreme" or "Bullworker X5"?
Well if you're like me and loved the old Bullworker, Tensolator model, then you MUST read this review!

- Here Are The Facts:
At first glance, the Bullworker X5 - pictured to the right - was considered to be the newest of the Bullworker models, but the reality is that the Bullworker X5 is actually the oldest of the two designs
So let's compare the Bullworker X5 and the Bully Xtreme by the following factors

To read more Bullworker Review

The Incredible Bullworker, Bullworker X5 Story

When Gert F Koelbel invented the Tensolator later renamed the Bullworker it seemed like a strange contraption for sure, but the idea caught on and years later and millions of Bullworkers later it was a HIT.

Why, you may ask??

Well for one thing the Bullworker allows one to workout an entire body with one piece of equipment. The Bullworker can be used as a cable machine, resistance bands or exercise bands. As well as compressing it to hit the muscles from an angle no other exerciser on the market can hit as effectively. In this article you will discover more about this "German Wonder" and why perhaps you should own one yourself.

To read more about the Bullworker

Discover The 3 Keys To Fast Muscle Growth And Your Protein Needs! FREE e-book also!

  1. Proper nutrition is as or more important than training. The muscles in order to grow must have at least these 3 key elements:
  2. Progressive Overload: You must continually push yourself to increase your "power meter" reading on the Bully Xtreme.
  3. Nutrition: Your body must have the proper amount of protein. For practical muscle-building and body-composition improving purposes, the important thing is to consume between 25-50 grams of complete protein (depending on your needs) every three hours
  4. Rest: The old Bullworker program had you working out everyday, this unhealthy and DANGEROUS. You want to give your body enough time to recuperate and rebuild the muscle.
  5. The major benefit of training is that it breaks down muscle tissue. The better your immune system and the higher your natural testosterone levels the more muscle and you will be able to put on. Unfortunately all of us men are fighting the clock on this one.

To read more about Protein in building muscles

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Do Your Aerobic Exercise?

The answer is any time! The most important thing is that you just do it. Continuous cardiovascular exercise is the one thing almost more than any other that will give you an amazing 6 pack abs.
To read more about ripped abs click here

Pack An Inch Of Solid Muscle On Your Arms With Bicep And Tricep Supersets:

Wouldn’t it be great if there were a safe and natural way to build more muscle in a shorter period of time? In this day and age of exercise gimmicks and quick fix solutions, most intelligent people would be skeptical if they heard such a claim.
But guess what? Such an “animal” really does exist. No, it’s not a drug. It’s not some miracle supplement, either. Nor is it a newfangled piece of workout machinery, your Bully Xtreme is perfect for this kind of training.

To read more and build muscular rock hard arms

10 Secrets For Writing Powerful Goals And Affirmations That Attract Success Like A Magnet

10 Secrets For Writing Powerful Goals And Affirmations That Attract Success Like A Magnet

Q: After reading chapter one in the "Muscle-Up Training Manual! I can now understand the importance of setting goals.

My question is, how important is it to write goals and affirmations in the present tense? I just can't seem to do that -- it seems weird writing it in present tense because it feels like I'm lying to myself."

A: According to many psychologists, hypnotherapists and personal achievement experts, the most effective way to write an affirmation or goal statement is in the present tense (for example, "I am 9% body fat," "my arms measure 18 inches" or "I have a 30 inch waist).One reason for that is because your subconscious -- the part of your mind that generates autonomic bodily functions and automatic behaviors (habits) -- is very peculiar in the way it can take things literally.

To read more go to Bullworker

Isometrics/Static Contraction, Isotonics, Variable Resistance Training And Isokinetic

Isometrics, or static resistance training, refers to a muscular action during which no change in the length of the muscle takes place.

This type of resistance training is normally performed against an immovable object such as a wall, a barbell, or a weight machine loaded beyond an individuals maximal concentric strength.

Isometrics can also be performed by having a weak muscle group contract against a strong muscle group. Isometrics came to attention of the American public in the early 1950's, when Steinhaus introduced the work of two Germans (Hettinger and Muller).

They concluded that gains in strength of 5% per week were produced by one daily two-thirds maximal isometric action 6s in duration. Gains in strength of this magnitude with such little training time and effort seemed unbelievable.

Review of subsequent studies demonstrates that isometric training leads to static strength gains but that the gains are substantially less than 5% per week.

Increase in strength from isometric training are related to the number of muscle actions performed, the duration of the muscle actions, whether the muscle action is maximal or sub maximal, and the frequency of training So the research conducted by scientist has shown a slight beneficial effect to isometric training in some conditions.

Isotonics is traditionally defined as a muscular contraction in which the muscle exerts a constant tension. The execution of free weight exercises and exercises on various weight training machines, though usually considered isotonic, is not really isotonic in definition.

The force exerted by a muscle in performance of such exercises is not constant, but rather varies with the mechanical advantage of the joint involved in the movement and the length of the muscle at a particular point in the movement.

A more workable term for resistance training exercise in which the external resistance or weight does not change and both a lifting (concentric) and lowering (eccentric) phase occur during each repetition is dynamic constant external resistance (DCER) training.

DCER implies that the weight or resistance being lifted is constant and held constant. When using free weights or machines, the external resistance or weight lifted is chosen.

Thus, DCER better describes this type of resistance training than the old term isotonic.


Variable resistance equipment operates through a lever arm, cam, or pulley arrangement. Its purpose is to alter the resistance in an attempt to match the increases and decreases in strength throughout the exercises range of motion.

Proponents of variable resistance machines believe that by increasing and decreasing the resistance to match the exercises strength curve, the muscle is forced to contract near maximally gains in strength.

There are three major types of strength curves: ascending, descending, and bell-shaped. In an exercise with an ascending strength curve, it is possible to lift more weight if only the first half or first quarter of a repetition is performed.

Such an exercise is upright rowing. An exercise in which it is possible to lift more resistance if only the middle portion of the range of motion is performed has a bell-shaped strength curve. Elbow curls have a bell-shaped strength curve.

Additionally, because of variations in limb length, in the point of attachment of the muscles tendons to the bones, and in body size, it is hard to conceive of one mechanical arrangement that would match all individuals strength curves for a particular exercise...

Isokinetics refers to a muscular action performed at constant angular limb velocity. Unlike other types of resistance training, there is no specified resistance to meet, rather, the velocity of movement is controlled.

The resistance offered by the Isokinetic machine cannot be accelerated; any force applied against the equipment results in an equal reaction force.

The reaction force mirrors the force applied to the equipment throughout the range of movement of an exercise, making it theoretically possible for the muscle's) to exert a continual, maximal force through the movements full range of motion.

The majority of equipment found in the gym allow for only concentric actions.

Advocates of Isokinetic training believe that the ability to exert maximal force throughout the range of motion leads to optimal strength increases.

Other advantages are minimal muscle and joint soreness, making difficult training sessions more tolerable.

Eccentric training (also known as negative resistance) refers to a muscular action in which the muscle lengthens in a controlled manner.

This type of muscle action occurs in daily activities such as walking. During normal DCER training, when the weight is being lifted, the muscles shorten or perform a concentric action.

When the weight is lowered, the same muscles that lifted the weight are active and lengthen in a controlled manner, or perform an eccentric action.

If the muscles did not perform an eccentric action when the weight was lowered, the weight would fall.

Eccentric action is a great way to maximize on a fat burning stage where increase stress, and longer repetitions could greatly produce a much cut ripped look.

Remember to use lighter weight when performing these movements, because the weight can be hard to control on the negative phase.

The term stretch-shortening cycle exercise is starting to replace the term ply metrics and describes this type of resistance exercise more accurately. The stretch-shortening cycle refers to natural part of most movements.

When the sequence of eccentric to concentric actions is performed quickly, the muscle is stretched slightly prior to the concentric action.

Thus the term stretch-shortening cycle describes what happens: The muscle is stretched slightly and then shortens. The slight stretching stores elastic energy.

The addition of the elastic energy to the force of a normal concentric action is one of the reasons commonly given to explain why a more forcible concentric action results after a stretch-shortening cycle.

The other common explanation for the more forcible concentric action is a reflex that results in quicker recruitment of muscle fibers or recruitment of more muscle fibers involved in the movement.

In more athletic sports revolving in running or jumping the stretch-shortening training is better than a concentric action.

A new Isometric training device has been redesigned and made more effective than ever before. Check out the Bullworker Bully Xtreme

Zig Zag Your Way To A Ripped 6 Pack Abs

Are you still looking for your 6 pack?

Well follow this nutritional program and you’ll be able to drop 2 or more pounds per week for 6 to 8 weeks!

Next Stop Abs.

Getting ripped fast requires drastic cuts in carbs, dietary fat and of course, your calories. You’ll need to steer clear of all oils, butter or fried foods and keep your carbs under 50 grams a day!

Yes 50 grams—this is a turbocharged fat-loss plan!

Protein intake must go up when you’re cutting carbs, fats and calories. Keep your protein intake high. Using this approach, you’ll quickly drop a lot of body fat.

The downside is that your energy levels can tank, leaving you unable to train if you’re not used to a low-carb diet.

The Solution.

Breaking down the weeks into 3… 3 distinct diet phases during each of the 6 to 8 weeks of the program:

Phase 1

Days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Carbs: less than 50 grams per day
Protein: 2 grams per pound of bodyweight
Cardio: 20 to 30 minutes at low level intensity every day.

During this phase the carbs are kept very low. All the carbs should be eaten after your workout to minimize protein breakdown that happens after training.

If for example you weight 200 lbs you need to take in 400 grams of protein. The cardio is done merely to coax the body into giving up more of the stored fat.

Phase 2

Days: Thursday and Friday
Carbs: 100 to 150 grams per day
Protein: 105. to 1.75 grams per pound of bodyweight
Cardio: 40 minutes interval training each day

You would think that the extreme approach taken in phase 1 would do the trick to melt the fat. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. Strict dieting will lead to poor muscle recovery and flat muscles.

When muscles are flat the body can appear to be fatter. That’s where this phase comes in.

The additional carbs assists in glycogen recovery and prevent the reserves from being drained.

When glycogen levels are low you will appear to be fatter and your muscle will not recover as quickly. On these days split your carbs as follows:
30-40 g in morning
20-35 g preworkout
50-75 post workout

With the extra carbs you’ll be able to train and do cardio harder. I recommend alternating the cardio between going hard for 2 to 3 minutes and then using a much lower intensity for 2 to 3 minutes. Continue this pattern fir the full 40 minutes of cardio.

This interval training will kick up your metabolism Best time for cardio in this phase is in the morning on an empty stomach.

Phase 3

Days: Saturday and Sunday
Carbs: 2 grams per pound of bodyweight
Protein: 1 gram per pound of bodyweight
Cardio: none take the time off

These are the easier days. Carbs go up and protein comes down

Will there it is following this program will have you ripped in 6 to 8 weeks.

Figure out your menu; eat clean sources of food, chicken breast, and tuna. Lean ground beef and other choices. You can figure in a protein supplement just make sure it isn’t high in carbs.

But most of all enjoy your newly found 6 pack!

Frank Sherrill, is a former U.S. Army Ranger and Martial Arts expert. After surviving a horrific weight training accident, he spent years researching and finally discovering an exercise program and home gym that was as effective as free weights but, without all the RISK. To learn more about the Bullworker Bully Xtreme got to: Bullworker
Bully Xtreme Home Gym Review

If you are into seriously increasing your strength, want bigger muscles or just want that body builders body but don't have a lot of time? The the Bully Xtreme Home Gym is just right for you!

This amazing Bullworker type home gym created by a former U.S. Army Ranger and fitness expert, Frank Sherrill, it's a virtual walk through an easy to use portable muscle building Bullworker type device. A home gym that offers simple and proven methods of burning body fat and building your muscles. The Bully Xtreme Home Gym is not just another marketing hype or expensive home gym. It's truly a revolutionary way to train and get this, with it's unique training system you can get an entire body workout in only 7 minutes a week. And with over 29 exercises that can be performed in a seated position, this truly can be the lazy person's way to fitness!

It's a home gym and training program that helps you step by step, build muscle and if you like, also lose weight – the healthy way.

If you have tried Isometrics, Static Contraction or any bodyweight exercise programs, the Bully Xtreme home gym with it's scientifically proven training system, will increase your muscle building results by 1000%. Reports of Bully Xtreme owners; including myself, of tripling their strength in less than 3 weeks are very common.

The Bully Xtreme home gym also helps you out with losing body fat and cardio fitness. The training system's simple words ring with truth and are written in a lucid style aimed at ‘dummies’.

The best part is Frank Sherrill reveals the natural and healthy ways of adding inches of muscle to your arms, shoulders, chest, back and legs, while at the same time developing a ripped 6 pack abs. Without any of the risks associated with free weights.

Using a scientifically proven training system he gives you a paint-by-the-numbers simple, training program and nutrition/fat sucking system.

The Bully Xtreme home gym offers:

* Up to 600 lbs of muscle building resistance

* 82 health club type exercises that can be easily done

* Portable home gym, fits any where and weights less than 5 pounds.

* A complete state of the art training system and muscle building nutrition program

* A proven muscle builder with over 40 years of SUCCESS.

* A full 5 year warranty

The Bully Xtreme training system lets you in on some of the secrets of Natural body builders. There may be many body builders who use steroids to pump up their muscles. Using drugs may work but the side effects are usually not worth it and too dangerous. But if you use the training techniques in Bully Xtreme Muscle Up book, then you will be following the natural way – no drugs , just pure scientific method of of building muscle and nutrition. So you not only benefit from great looking body but also your body is free from all toxins and drugs that devastate in the long run!

The moment you say bodybuilding, women naturally shy away. The Bully Xtreme home gym can be used by anyone any age. The resistance ranges from 10 to 600 lbs so any one, any age can get muscle building, stomach flatting results! So whether you are a man or a woman, the training program works for both with great results for both genders.

Do you know how I got attracted to Bully Xtreme Home Gym? The sheer ease of use and the no B.S. style of building muscle of it's creator.

He has achieved so much since his horrific free weight accident in the gym and has created a safe, easy to use, portable home gym that any one can use. And he stands behind it's sale with free personal coaching and motivational support.

Keeping in true spirit of the U. S. Army Rangers, the author offers multiple benefits to buyers of his Bully Xtreme Home Gym. With the Bully Xtreme home gym you get a free subscription to “Bully Xtreme Muscle Up Newsletter”, 18 free bonuses, free software to track your results. Whether you want to get huge like a bodybuilder or you just want a "fitness model" type of body , this software walks you ou thru it. It's easy to use and a great way to motivate yourself too.

What are you waiting for, get the Bully Xtreme Home Gym, The strongest Bullworker type muscle builder on the market to day and start building that body of your dream. I did!

Bert Hern, is an attorney, a purple belt in Gracie Jiu-jitsu and an Isometrics, static Contraction buff. Having used the Bully Xtreme to increase his strength and muscularity he nows take pride in taking his shirt off. to learn more about the Bullworker Bully Xtreme or get a free report here Bullworker