Hugh Jackman Wolverine Workout

I recently ran across this article about the Hugh Jackman Wolverine workout. This time Jackman had to add more size than he did for the previous X-Men film. For X-Men Origins Wolverine, Jackman had to appear as if he could rip somebody's head off!

Read this article and see if him and his personal trainer Michael Ryan achieve that goal.

Hugh Jackman Workout

Bullworker Wall Chart

Are you looking for instructions, a manual or a Bullworker wall chart? Well, forget the old fashioned, out dated and lame... Bullworker wall chart!

The recently revised Bully Xtreme training program will show you not only the exercises to perform but, how to exercise properly to avoid getting "Bullworker elbow!"

To find out more about the Bully Xtreme training program and the Bully Xtreme wall chart visit this link...

>>> Bullworker Wall Chart <<<