I found this great review about this Bullworker Steel Bow Knockoff... enjoy
Bullworker Steel Bow- A Review
- Here Are The Facts:
At first glance, the Bullworker Steel Bow looks like an impressive product. The sad fact is that it appears to be a “copy cat” of the Bully Xtreme. It looks like the people from Bullworker USA have finally gotten the message and are offering a product that they can actually warranty, unlike the Bullworker X5 gold they previously marketed.
This looks like a radical shift in their marketing plan, since it appears that they no longer are selling the Bullworker X5 Gold anymore at their website. Strange!
So let's compare the Bullworker Steel Bow and the Bully Xtreme by the following factors:
- Quality of design
- Amount of resistance
- Exercise Program
- Durability And Warranty
- Quality Of Design
The Bullworker Steel Bow – is a 20 inch (baby version) of the Bully Xtreme. While it looks very “similar,” that’s where it ends. The problem with an exerciser this short is that if you are over 5 foot tall, the unit is just too small. So, one of the glaring problems with the Bullworker Steel Bow, is that you are unable to perform MANY of the exercises effectively. And the number of exercise that can be performed has been reduced significantly. The angle of the exercises is compromised so you effectively lose any of the muscle building benefit of the movement. In fact the Bullworker Steel Bow is several inches shorter than even the old lady Bullworker model.
The best feature of the Bullworker Steel Bow design is that instead of 2 tubes, one sliding into the other... you now have 3 tubes, allowing you to do more exercises than with the Bullworker 3 models. Although this is nothing new, if you are familiar with the Bully Xtreme
The Bullworker Steel Bow does offer a “prettier” carrying case than the Bully Xtreme. That’s great if you are into handbags and purses.
The Bullworker Steel Bow weights just under 4 lbs.
Bullworker Steel Bow does offer a molded handle, so it is more comfortable than the Bullworker X5 Gold that they used to sell.
They are using steel cables now but again just a “knock off” of the Bully Xtreme design. They don’t mention how “strong” the cables are thou?
The Bully Xtreme – At 38 inches long and the innovator of this new “hybrid” design, the Bully Xtreme is much easier to workout with. I don’t find myself needing a chair or table to use to support the Bully as opposed to the 20 inch Bullworker Steel Bow; that MUST use props in order for it be somewhat effective.
What the Bully Xtreme people have done is taken the best of the Tensolator, Macho Power, Bullworker 2, Bullworker 3, Bullworker X5, and created this "hybrid" Bullworker, the Bully Xtreme.
As I see it, this is the natural evolution of a product. It's exactly what's been going on in the Automotive industry, where they have taken the best of SUV's and combined it with the best of passenger vehicles, to create their own "hybrids."
The tube design of the Bully Xtreme is similar to the Bullworker X5, in that it has the 3 tubes (allowing for more exercises), but that is where the similarities end.
The tube part is made like the old Bullworkers...steel and aluminum. The Bully Xtreme weights more than the Bullworker Steel Bow, because of its man sized length and sturdy steel construction, so if lifting 5 lbs is a problem, this may not be the product for you.
The Bully Xtreme people never pulled any punches. They weren’t looking to build a weak or pretty product. As Frank Sherrill recently commented, he wasn’t building a product for “girlie men” he wanted a product that would hold up over time and provide a safe and effective workout, but with the MAXIMUM resistance possible.
The Bully Xtreme Company redesigned the handles, making them from a durable and more comfortable "plastic polymer". I personally prefer this handle to the old Bullworker model; it's more comfortable and also "fits" better, in my hands.
They have also brought back the steel cables and made them stronger. The cables are "sealed" with 25 tons of pressure and then are covered with a thicker, more comfortable plastic sheath, then even what the old Bullworker had.
Making it very easy to workout with, I don't even use workout gloves anymore.
- Amount Of Resistance
This is an easy one, the Bully Xtreme has in my estimation, at least double the amount of resistance of the Bullworker Steel Bow. They are using a 36 inch coiled spring as opposed to the 32 inch coiled spring that the Bullworker Steel Bow people are offering. The Bully Xtreme with it’s longer length (18 inches longer) and a stronger coiled spring offers more resistance than the Bullworker Steel Bow.
The facts speak for themselves.
The only problem is that this may discourage some people that are just starting out and have never exercised before. They may feel that the Bully Xtreme has to move in order to get results!
This the farthest thing from the truth!
If you understand how Isometrics/Static Contraction works, then you know that this is not a problem.
The Bully Xtreme system of training has resulted in strength gains of over 4% per week, in "scientific tests"!
- Exercise Program
The Bullworker Steel Bow has finally introduced a good looking wall chart and they are claiming to offer more types of workouts but, again all you get is a wall chart and nothing else. I like the fact that with the Bully Xtreme I get a FREE one year membership to Frank Sherrill’s Bully Xtreme Inner Circle. I can’t tell you how many times Frank’s and Pat Grieco’s articles, tips and personal advice helped me in achieving my goal of 8% body fat and a muscular body.
The new Bullworker Steel Bow training program is NOT a radical shift to current exercise knowledge, but a rehash of old and out dated training principles that my football coach in the 70’s was preaching. In this area they are a total FAILURE!
It hasn't been modernized or kept up-to-date.
The Bully Xtreme, on the other hand comes with a 50+ page training manual, that incorporates all the latest info in "exercise science"
In addition, the Bully Xtreme also includes a 179 page, Fat Loss Manual; chock full of nutrition and fat burning information. It allows you to lose body fat, not muscle and still eat all your favorite foods. They even include over 26 mouthwatering recipes in another e-book that they include with the Bully Xtreme Home Gym.
In this category, the Bullworker Steel Bow doesn't even compete with the Bully Xtreme!
-Durability And Warranty
Well all other issues aside, the Bullworker Steel Bow does offer a 2 year warranty but, comparing that to the Bully Xtreme which comes with a full 5 year warranty, makes this category a no-brainer as well!
Bully Xtreme, hands down is more durable and offers a longer warranty then any of its competitors!
No wonder, the product is tested 4 times by the manufacturer, before they ship it out and it's made of high quality chrome and steel.
As we all know, steel and chrome are not cheap, perhaps that’s why they cut back on the size of the Bullworker Steel Bow.
It seems the people that put the Bully Xtreme together had one thing on their mind, build a quality product that works-- and it does!
So is Bully Xtreme Home Gym Better than Bullworker Steel Bow and worth trying?
Yes, it is - it's widely well known and popular. Having been spoken of highly by John Peterson, author and owner of the Bronze Bow Publishing, as well as having been endorsed on many websites, groups and forums across the internet.
Frank Sherrill and Pat Grieco; a National level natural bodybuilder, NPC judge and personal trainer, have clearly poured everything they know about burning fat and building muscle into the Training Manual and Nutrition/Fat Loss Guide, which they include, for FREE with the purchase of the Bully Xtreme Home Gym.
The Fat Loss Guide comes as an e-Book and first helps you identify your body type; then gives you a lesson in fats, proteins and carbohydrates and how they pertain to burning fat.
Finally, you're shown how to take these two pieces of information and develop a plan to get in shape that is personalized for you.
This e-Book isn't solely about developing large muscles as I may have suggested. It's also focused on burning fat and getting in the best shape of your life.
"Bully Xtreme Fat Loss Guide" is based around the theory that there is no "perfect diet" for anyone. You have to develop your fat burning goals based on your specific body type - which is correct.
Specifically, Frank Sherrill claims "Bully Xtreme Home Gym" will help you:
- Build muscle faster than with any other method.
- Develop a leaner, healthier body.
- Double or even triple your strength-- in no time!
- Lose fat permanently.
- Lose fat without drugs.
- Lose fat without supplements.
And best of all he includes it for free, these e-Books alone are worth the price of the Bully Xtreme Home Gym-- in my opinion!
In Summary
The Bully Xtreme Home Gym is well built and clearly backed by one of the finest warranties on the market today, a full 5 years!
The Training Manual and Fat loss Guide are "state of the art" in exercise and nutritional science. After reading it, you'll have a clear game plan in your head of what you need to do to reach your muscle building and/or fat loss goals based on YOUR body type, and with the Bully Xtreme Home Gym you will have one of the finest pieces of exercise equipment, in that price range, that I have seen to date.
And now Frank also includes a FREE 1-year membership to his exclusive Bully Xtreme Inner Circle, where he has made available a ton of articles and information about, advanced training, Isometric exercise, nutrition, fat loss, anti-aging and much more. As well as offering additional free e-books and software to track your workouts and scientifically plan your meals. All in all the support system that Bully Xtreme has in place, FREE for their customers is well beyond anything available online or offline. This alone makes Bully Xtreme, in my opinion, the clear winner!
Bert Hern is an attorney and devout Isometrics fanatic. After using the Bully Xtreme Home Gym he finally enjoys taking off his shirt and looks for any opportunity to do so. For more information about Frank Sherrill's Bully Xtreme Home Gym vist: www.BullyXtreme.net For more information about the Bullworker Steel Bow and a free muscle building ebook Bullworker Steel Bow 28